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I posted this here a while ago.
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Scary bloke

Joined: 17 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:42 pm    Post subject: I posted this here a while ago. Reply with quote

I am a true believer in the saying “you get out of something as much as you put into it”. Paranormal inquiry is no different and in some respects push’s
that idea to its fullest. There are many areas of the paranormal which vary greatly from the search for alien life forms to the existence of amazing and strange animals to mention only two. But within this book we will be concentrating upon the inquiry into the psychical side of the paranormal and our attempts at documenting and understanding interaction within the physical world. In other words ghost investigation and how we attempt to capture proof and the understanding of that information in respect to theory in a productive and open minded manner.
To expect positive results with little to no effort can be a futile and pointless exercise and though apparent documented evidence can and has been acquired in this way, the understanding of said evidence and the ability to know what you have documented in respect to anomalous capture is left shallow and in most cases misunderstood entirely.
All said and done though in respect to such a situation, the belief of the observer is all that matters. As we are theoretically the eminent produces of our own existence, which would then mean anything we perceive to be true in fact is.
Yes there are many theories and I will touch vaguely upon some of the most prominent as we move through this book. Though I will not delve too deeply into any one, as this can and in some cases does lead to tunnel visioning and draws the reader away from open minded self-enquiry. It is important to remember that what works for one may not work for another.
I have passed down my own path within my life and you have passed down yours, our experiences will have been different and the way you observe and understand the world and all there in will be a variation of mine. Within this book I can only refer to general situations and instances and draw information from my own observations and experiences, that is to say what is true to me may not be true for you. I have no intention of stating anything factual here, except indeed that there appear to be no facts or at least none that we at this stage are aware of. So please excuse me for including the words “theoretically” and “apparently “a lot.
Now before we even start looking at equipment, investigation methods and analysis, I feel it is important to touch upon a few points of interest and prepare for the process of investigation. The mind set of an investigator is as (if not more) important than the equipment and theories which are implemented during investigations. Without the correct attitude and insight a person may well spend a lot of time wasting time and find themselves rushing into situations without the correct mental ammunition. So I have produced the following section as a pre requisite to the actual bulk of this book.

I sit here, I see my body.
Though I am programed to believe me and my body are one and the same, I cannot help but feel that there is a displacement, something more. After all, my body is apparently physical, atomic, but my soul is without any form or mass or so we have come to believe, though these two concepts may also be produced through known embedded belief after all the atomic world and concept of soul are both theoretical. So here I am,theoretically stuck within this body to which I was imprisoned from birth, staring out upon an apparent physical world.
Confusing isn’t it.
Were we once pure, before we were polluted by the knowledge that guides us and allows us to interact within the physical world? But what came before this? Where did wecome from? There has to be answers. But how can science find these answers? Science searchers within the boundaries of the physical and atomic, but we are “as an entity” outside boundaries of the physical. Paranormal investigators and psychical research’s use technical equipment to locate, document and categories apparent anomalies. They attempt to make sense of confusing situations and equations. But these anomalies and experiences are so variable how could it all be contained within science or theoretical concepts as even theories are built upon known and produced mental variables. It appears that once we move into the physical world from birth, we remain blinded by our own ignorance. For some reason the true person, the actual soul entity forgets its emanation and takes it for granted that the body is the person and that life should be lived on a physical level only. (There has been research into the continued connection which exists between babies and there pre life existence which has shown promise, but the problem is that babies cannot relate the necessary information which provides an interesting challenge). I suppose it could be seen as us taking things for granted.
It seems normal to allow life to simply drift by and to interact with people as flesh and blood on a day today basis. But are we not ghosts? Just because the soul appears to sit happily within the confines of the human body and therefore exists within this physical atomic world doesn’t mean this is the truth of it all. We are theoretically (and we are using the soul to physical model here) as spooky underneath this skin and bone as the ghosts who haunt the castles and houses around us. So if we are ghosts ourselves, why do we fear ghosts? It’s a shame people don’t look into these questions more often. The layman’s view is that ghosts are something other than atomically human or inanimate emanating interactions upon the atomic excepted environment. Even though a person may believe that a soul based spirit was once a person, most people find the connection between the spirit world and the physical world too much of a challenge and face the situation with a mixture of fear and denial. Many investigators go out with technical equipment in attempt to document interaction as if it’s a fox hunt! Surly the first step in the search for understanding of the psychical paranormal should be to understand one’s self, but then is this not our ultimate aim. Let’s just stop for a moment. Take the time to close your eyes and close out the world outside. Do you think you can think past your life programing? When we think, we are thinking in a language obtained from the life process of interaction and communication. The closest you can get to being who you really are is to completely clear your mind and to attempt not to think of anything at all, in fact to un- think. Maybe this is why psychics use meditation as a basis for contact with the spirit world, as it involves clearing the mind of all physical things .When I visit places which are believed to be haunted, I don’t call out. I sit quietly and clear my mind. Yes I use infrared and full spectrum video cameras and Dictaphones in the hope of capturing documentation evidence and yes the spirit world can I believe interact with the physical world (as I don’t imagine there is a start or an end to either, so nothing has to go anywhere in order to achieve anything pro-active), it has apparently been documented and experienced many times (though not factually proven). But for me it’s a personal journey and one which has taken many strange twists and turns. There is more to paranormal investigation than gathering media evidence and compiling notes. It becomes a personal journey of discovery to acquire knowledge of what and who we truly are. The theoretical journey for the answer to existence is a wonderful one and one which has no bounds. Along with multiverse theory, quantum, string theory, dark matter/energy/dark matter flow, and an endless production of theoretic equations which offer reasoning and hope of the holy grail of existence, I offer my take of the situation and I pray you enjoy the ride.

I prefer to imagine my research as a sort of internal inquiry. It’s one thing having a belief structure but a larger challenge proving that what you believe is conceivable (“believe” used very loosely as my beliefs are as fluid as my theories of which I have many and “prove” used more as a reference to personal acceptance by others rather than factual evidence ). There are indeed certain things I’m pretty sure of, for example,I came from somewhere and I will return to somewhere, unless I have been in the same place all along and am experiencing an existence created by myself( But for now I shall keep things as simple and experiential as possible). I live as a soul entity within this physical body which allows me to interact within the physical world around me. This I am pretty sure of (although nothing is certain). There is a theory also which states that when we do not observe something it remains as an electrical signal (quantum theory). But when we do in fact observe something it becomes atomic signature in nature. So that intern puts the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak. Due to the belief, that God created the universe. If quantum physics is to be believed, he must be constantly creating the universe as apparently when we turn around the entire thing we were observing disappears or at least becomes information rather than creation so to speak. That is unless another person is observing that environment at the time, which would make it creation to them and not us. The only way I can attempt to explain this is to say, if you can imagine that you are a little man within the screen of a computer game. When you look around you, you can only observe the world within that screen. Has for as you are concerned the world beyond the screen does not exist, as in deed it does not, due to the fact that it is not animated at that point. The programing does exist though, which allows the next screen to appear once you arrive at it and interact within it. The animated man on the screen cannot exist anywhere other than within the space he is interacting with at that time. To him the screen is his world and he accepts his environment as gospel. So would God then be the programmer? Let us imagine that the world in which we exist is much like that computer screen. We can only except as truth which we experience around us and the thought that when we turn around, the world that was once there might cease to exist, can be too much of a challenge for many people. It may also mean that just as people believed the universe rotated around the earth, a situation such as I have just described everything we perceive should in theory irradiate in some way from consciousness of the human observer. That is unless we as physical beings are animated as a reaction to observed interaction with the informational environment within which we exist. This is a confusing concept, but if we have no real answers of our own, what kind of argument could we have to the contrary. If I tell you the moon is cheese and mice actually rule the world, where is the proof it is not so… the proof is in the study of things and the way in which we perceive that information in conjunction with known variables.
Quantum theorists have found apparent conclusions to their questions through thousands of hours of research and advanced mathematics, but quantum and the discovery of dark matter which was confusing enough until further proof was offered with the theory of dark matter flow which reinforced the overall theory and that of dark energy followed by string theory etc.
My point here is this, to blindly dismiss opinions and beliefs without first doing the relevant research is a bad move, just as it would be odd to have a faith in or a belief structure built around something you have no understanding of. Paranormal research on a physical and psychic level is a productive and constructive method of research and delves into a very dark and confusing subject. That being of whom we are, where do we come from, where do we go and indeed do entities and spirits move amongst us and if they do at what level?. My belief is that they indeed do. The problem therein is to find a valid belief structure and theory to support it. This would involve collecting actual evidence and documented media, which would show an anomaly or spirit within excepted guidelines. That is to say captured upon a form of media which can be validated on as many levels has possible, Negative, digital Dictaphone at a high quality, other accepted media formats or through scientific formulations or provable theory. After all if everything around us is truly electricity at one level or another and if the idea that spirits use electromagnetic energy as a universal ingredient during interaction or produce it as a by product is true. Then this would explain why anomalies can simply walk through walls. To them the existence of a solid wall would mean little if nothing. It would explain why light anomalies can appear and disappear at will and move at very high speeds. The idea of a purely electrical universe is conceivable enough. Isn’t it?
There are indeed many questions to be answered and I doubt I will be able to answer them here. Maybe the answers are so far from our understanding that we would not understand them if we were shown? But I can attempt to at least give you a few more questions and offer you the opportunity to answer a few of mine.
I was brought up as a member of the Church of England. I’m not sure what influence it has had on me over the years, but I can’t remember ever putting too much energy into the worship of any God. Yes I sang religious songs at school and I have been present at weddings and funerals. But the concept of an all seeing and loving entity, who governs from on high and holds all creation at his fingertips is a hard pill for me to swallow. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s not the truth. Surly if God gave me common sense and the ability to question, he would want me to use it. I have delved into a few bibles and I have talked to religious representatives from many churches, sects and alternative religions and cannot find equilibrium. It seems to me that people are searching for something. There are millions of people on earth and yet no one knows for definitive truth as to whom and what they actually are? This is why I believe religions and belief structures in a higher force have flourished, even to the point of radicalism and murder or suicide. It seems that people need to have something to look up too. I have a theory that what people are looking for is in fact they themselves. Apparently before we enter into the world as we know it, we are pure (as we mentioned earlier). At that point we are theoretically spirit form and have no physical boundaries. But once we are born, we see ourselves in human form and lose touch with who we actually are. We then feel a loss, almost as if someone has died. We don’t realise this consciously, as the brain has no concept of what came before. So we find ourselves reaching out for something and religion fits the bill very well. This again may be completely wrong, I have simply taken the knowledge I have acquired and applied it. Paranormal investigation works more or less in this way, we take a situation and assess it. It is then “if possible” recorded and documented. The documentation is then passed to external sources for examination. During these process’s it is checked for anything that can be naturally accredited to the production of the anomaly or media, it is then logged and becomes just one more piece in what has become an enormous jigsaw puzzle .
Without proof there can be no evidence and without evidence how can a person be expected to believe in what you tell them. It has to be pointed out though, that on occasions what is experienced is so personal that it cannot be documented. But this just fuels more research on a personal level. I actually expect the true answers (should there be any) to existence to be discovered through spiritualism as it is the closest thing I have experienced to psychical connection.
I have pondered at some length as to how all these theories can interlink within each other and have come up with the concept that energy at all levels is without start or end. It interlinks within and without continuously. All matter and energy interacts between its self, at different levels dependent upon its structure at the time, its density and its electrical charge, be it positive or negative, the variables constantly changing. If the basic structure of the universe is electrical energy then energy must produce matter, matter then exists as we know it (being theoretically only 4 per cent of the total makeup of the universe) and then dissipates at a sub atomic level to once again become energy in its basic state. All this happens within the immense soup of the universe around us and creates everything we have come to know. So then if all this energy has no start or end, this would mean that at a sub-quantum (quantum is sub atomic or atomic) level every person, inanimate object and sun or other planet is actually connected within the same equation and space. So why then is it such a shock when people explain that they can read minds? Apparently thoughts are electrical energy and if there are no boundaries or space between two people, then these thoughts must be accessible and if one person is sensitive enough on a psychic level the doors to the mind of the other would be wide open as there would be no start nor end to the situation. This theory opens up so many doors to the realism of mind over matter that it would seem anything is possible e.g. The movement of inanimate objects and the ability to control ones surrounding by use of psychic interaction, to mention but two. But all said and done the subject of existence is a massive one and the answers to the big question may well lay beyond our ability to comprehend.
So to recap,
1, we have no proof of existence other than knowing we exist.
2, we cannot factually prove anything as we do not have the ability to understand what we have no concept of.
3, All known knowledge is theoretical and proves nothing.
4, the search for evidence of the paranormal can only be a personal one as
everyone perceives experiences personally and no interpretation can be made through shared information, as experience is down to the observer.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:42 am    Post subject: Re: I posted this here a while ago. Reply with quote

Scary bloke wrote:
1, we have no proof of existence other than knowing we exist.
2, we cannot factually prove anything as we do not have the ability to understand what we have no concept of.
3, All known knowledge is theoretical and proves nothing.
4, the search for evidence of the paranormal can only be a personal one as
everyone perceives experiences personally and no interpretation can be made through shared information, as experience is down to the observer.

That's an interesting point of view, but a little too deep for me. I do agree with number 4.
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D B Sweeney

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is the original source of this pseudoscientific clap trap Iain?

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Scary bloke

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That would be my clap trap lmao.
We all have our own view on things, this is mine.
Think I've read worse.
Plus it's written from my own experiences of the world, which makes it real to me.
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D B Sweeney

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

within this book we will be concentrating upon the inquiry into the psychical side of the paranormal

Which book Iain?

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Scary bloke

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The writing is the beginning of the new book I am writing.
It will be called "AS I SEE IT".
I started writing it awhile ago and will narrate it from a personal perspective
of the subject, my own theories and experiences.
This subject is such a diverse one that I feel it is subjective to each individual perspective and life experience. I think I am safe in saying that
at this point in time humanity is merely pondering into the darkness of a massive and wonderful subject. But we can attempt to make some sense of it in our own little way and to ponder and observe what we can. So this is my take on things and I think it more or less leaves enough gaps in there for people to advance my perspective. It is an insight into the new book. Take it for what it is, as that is all it is. Hope you enjoy it. Lots yet to be inputted. Ive done another few thousand words, but that section ain't ready to be included yet. It has been copy written at each stage as is this stage. Using an American publishing company on a print on demand basis, that way I don't end up with more than I can pass on. As I ain't going to be advertising it, just offering it to people as a point of view.
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Sharla Tann

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scary bloke wrote:
Using an American publishing company on a print on demand basis, that way I don't end up with more than I can pass on.

Good idea - nothing worse than being stuck with two of something. To be fair I suppose you will need a few copies for review by your peers, assuming that you can drag them away from The Beano.
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Scary bloke

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did you know you don't have a face?
Why don't you let people know who you are? Bit weird?
Anyway, truth is in the eye of those who aspire to, not those who are aspireless.
Give me something with meat on to discount the subject of the paranormal and I will listen to you. Not "wheres you proof for existence".
When you have proof against the probability it will allow you the right to dismiss. I have a valid opinion, you have well nothing really?
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D B Sweeney

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sharla Tann wrote:
Scary bloke wrote:
Using an American publishing company on a print on demand basis, that way I don't end up with more than I can pass on.

Good idea - nothing worse than being stuck with two of something. To be fair I suppose you will need a few copies for review by your peers, assuming that you can drag them away from The Beano.

LOL! Very Happy A studied and calm response as ever from the Sharla Tan Laughing

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

D B Sweeney wrote:
Sharla Tann wrote:
Scary bloke wrote:
Using an American publishing company on a print on demand basis, that way I don't end up with more than I can pass on.

Good idea - nothing worse than being stuck with two of something. To be fair I suppose you will need a few copies for review by your peers, assuming that you can drag them away from The Beano.

LOL! Very Happy A studied and calm response as ever from the Sharla Tan Laughing


Yes indeed, a very studious reply as always from the charlatan, good job there is no time limit when commenting or limited access to wikipedia Laughing
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Scary bloke

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Response it may be, but original thinking it is not and actually not really worth the response.
Your ass must be aching from sitting on the deny fence for so long and as for original thinking... you have to have original thought for that. But we all have our strengths and weakness's,maybe your good at snooker?
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